Friday, April 12, 2013

Dinosaurs: Week One

My kiddos were so excited that they finally got to choose their dinosaur to begin researching next week today. I was excited that most of my kiddos picked some not well-known dinosaurs. We completed various activities this week to give my kiddos a chance to learn a little bit about various dinosaurs before they focus on just one. Monday my kiddos inferred what I had in my giant egg. I was surprised how many of them guessed a dinosaur without any clues. I guess I have found my second calling...egg painter??? Wednesday we read Dinosaur Hunters about paleontologists like Dinosaur Jim. After the story, my kiddos helped sort pictures that a paleontologist would need onto our "Pete the Paleontologist" anchor chart.
We then took dinosaur fact cards and sorted our dinosaurs by their sizes; less than 20 feet, 20-40 feet, and more than 40 feet.
Today my kiddos reviewed why research is important. We again used our dinosaur fact cards to practice taking notes and drawing the physical features of our selected dinosaur.

We ended today with making a dinosaur glyph. My kiddos LOVE glyphs! Here are just a few of my little artists in the making...
Next week we will begin our research reports on dinosaur physical features, habitat, and diet. We will also spend some more time talking about fossils. My kiddos will be so excited to get to make their own fossils and amber pieces. Pictures and updates to come soon!


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