Thursday, April 4, 2013

Problem and Solution

Before we left for Spring Break last week we spent a few days reviewing problem and solution. I reviewed the concept with my kiddos using a basic "puzzle piece" anchor chart. We also discussed signal words that we may hear in a story that would let that light bulb in our brain know that we have come to the texts problem or solution. I gave my kiddos some problems and in pairs they came up with the solutions. I was so proud of their answers. I let my kiddos know they did such a good job that we were going to take a break and put together some puzzles. We were even going to race to see which color table could put their puzzle together first. Let me just say that I wanted this to still be an extension of our learning so I took one puzzle piece out of each box. (I know I am so mean!) Before we began our puzzle race each table had one minute to create strategies as to how to put their puzzle together the quickest. I was so impressed with some of their creative ideas...."Let's make an assembly line" and "You look at the picture, he will get all of the edge pieces, and I will put the middle together." Well once I said go to was like a NASA control room. My kiddos worked so well together, were polite, and then it happened. "Ms. White! We are missing a piece." "Ms. White! I think the other table stole our piece!" It was so hard for me to hold in my laughter as I watched all my kiddos look in their table caddies, on the floor, in each others pockets. Finally, I asked, "What's the problem." You could see light bulbs go off simultaneously and "ohhhhh" from around my classroom. My kiddos understood how a problem could happen in everyday life. At our table groups my kiddos came up with several solutions to solve their problem. I felt so bad though when my kiddos did ask for their puzzle piece back to solve their puzzle problem, but I had left them at home. That started a whole new PROBLEM!!!
 My little assembly line workers! I am so excited that they remembered an assembly line from our March unit.
 Working carefully with our edges and corners.

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