Friday, May 31, 2013

Data Notebooks

   I am so excited that my school just received a scholarship for $75,000 to help become a certified Leader in Me school! Both my boys attend a Charter School that is a Leader in Me school and I love how all the students, staff, and parents are so invested into the school everyday. They also strongly push and teach the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids. Everything from my boys homework, to bulletin boards, to artwork around their school is based on one of the 7 Habits. I am so excited to be attending a 3-day training in July, at my school, to help all staff become more familiar with the habits and how to incorporate them daily into our schedule. My classroom kiddos and I focused on Habit 1: Being Proactive for most of the year. For those of you that would like more information about Leader in Me and the 7 Habits please visit their website by clicking on the image below.
   A large part of The Leader in Me is for kiddos to take ownership and accountability in their learning. This can be accomplished with data notebooks. These notebooks let kiddos track their learning and set goals for their learning. I spent the last months of the school year practicing with behavior notebooks. I was worried that this would take a lot of time out of our day, but I was pleasantly surprised that after one week of practice my kiddos could fill-in their behavior data in seconds at the end of the day. So I am super pumped to implement data notebooks with academic and behaviors this upcoming year. I will place one of my black shelves by the front of my classroom door to house each kiddos 3-ring binder data notebook and place all of my 7 Habit pictures above the shelf on the wall. I will upload pictures as soon as my room is done being painted and I am able to decorate. Below is the link to my TPT store where you can get my data notebook that I will be using!

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