Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Finishing Touches

   It is really here!!! That time of year where teachers wonder where the summer went and parents are racing their kiddos to school. I spent a good chunk of the day today putting the finishing touches on my classroom for my new kiddos...names on name tags and cubbies, sharpening pencils, printing Back to School handbooks, and sorting everything out of my Mary Poppins (aka IKEA blue bag) bag.
   I am always looking for ways to cut prepping time for more learning and teaching time. Because we use whiteboards at least once a day in my room what better way to store everything my kiddos need in one place. I found these baskets at Dollar Tree (and thanks to my teammate she found the yellow basket at her location) that fit perfectly under my new Lakeshore rolling easel. Each basket has enough dry erase markers, white boards, and erasers for each kiddo sitting at the color table. My plan is to place the basket on each color table when we need the materials. I think this is going to save my kiddos at least 5 minutes of walking and grabbing the materials themselves.
   The purple basket is empty because that table is in my writing center. I still need it to make myself feel better...and make the bottom of my easel even.

    Here is a look inside of one of my baskets. Basic dry erase markers, sentence strip whiteboards from the dollar spot at Target (3/pack), and the most genius idea I saw floating around Pinterest. Those green circles are going to be my erasers. They are small face scrubbers from the Dollar Tree (3/pack). No more ripping apart tissues on the carpet or using my magnetic erasers like a super magnet needing to attract everything in sight. Plus, I can take them home every couple of weeks and throw them in the washing machine.
     Well I am off to work on my last couple of books from Booksource until my next box arrives. So excited to be apart of creating materials for teachers like you for this awesome company. I will let you know when our resources go live online! Pictures of my completed classroom (is it ever really complete?) coming soon!


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