Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Classroom Elf, Manning, Has Arrived!

   Last night I was really nervous about the first day back from Thanksgiving break. How were my rambunctious kiddos going to act.....let alone my normal kiddos. I was VERY surprised that my kiddos were on their best behavior. It could be perhaps that our classroom elf made his arrival today.
    I thought it would take my kiddos forever to notice our package from the North Pole sitting on my reading chair especially with all of the Christmas decorations around our room. But, those kiddos are observant when I don't want them to be!!! They all noticed the box as they were walking into the room as though there was a blinking arrow above it. We used our inferring skills to make a prediction of what was in the inside of the box. My kiddos were so excited to see our elf, read the letter from Santa and The Elf on the Shelf book, and get their own writing journal. My favorite part was my kiddos coming up with a name for our classroom elf. I picked five kiddos at random and they gave me a name and spelling. Here were our five choices......
   I love the spelling of Elpherd. We are working on "ph" as another choice to the /f/ spelling and this kiddo really wanted the /ph/ spelling. I also thought it was too cute that we had four really creative names and then a Thomas. That made me chuckle. Anyways it was a close race and Manning scored with my kiddos. Can you tell my kiddos are a little Denver Broncos crazy?!?!? After learning that we cannot touch Manning (so that he doesn't lose his magical powers to fly to the North Pole each night to report to Santa) you would have thought that Santa Claus was sitting at my desk all day. My kiddos were little angels....even my rowdy boys. Is there a way Manning can stay in our classroom until the end of the year? Well Manning is already up to some tricks. I wonder how long it will take my kiddos to find him tomorrow morning?
    You still have time to snag my Elf on the Shelf: A Classroom Unit for 28% off in my TPT store through tomorrow. Have a magical night!

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