Sunday, January 26, 2014

Chinese New Year, the Super Bowl & Olympics

   It feels so good to be back to blogging!!! The last two weeks have been a whirlwind in and outside of the classroom. From house shopping, prepping to put our house on the market, balancing new curriculum in the classroom, and coping with very difficult classroom behavior from a couple kiddos has been draining. I have made some big decisions in the last two weeks that have finally cleared my mind so I am back with more energy!!! Thank goodness because I feel like this upcoming week is full of holiday & celebratory preparation. In addition to continuing our new writing and math curriculum we will learn and celebrate Chinese New Year, Groundhog Day, and the Broncos going to the Super Bowl. Then the prep begins for our 100th day of school next Monday and the Olympics. This post will include a bunch of pictures to illustrate our planned classroom activities.
   We will begin our Olympic themed activities next Monday. Here is a look at the math and literacy centers my kiddos will complete during Daily 5 Math & Walk to Read. (You can grab all 14 centers by clicking on the bottom image)

  And look at these goodies I found at the Dollar Tree today. I will turn these items into daily Olympic themed activities that my kiddos will have to complete though teamwork and synergy (one of our 7 habits). I am planning on using our spelling words, math facts, and grammar lessons. 
    And what a coincidence! Footballs and blue buckets to help celebrate our Denver Bronco's making it to the Super Bowl. My kiddos are just too excited that the local team is getting so much attention. These buckets will be part of a Super "Math" Bowl relay race in our gym with all of the second graders. They will all look so cute in their Bronco's gear cheering on their teammates. Don't you love incorporating movement into academics?!?!? I can't wait until Friday.

   And here is a look at one of the Chinese New Year crafts my kiddos will be making. It is so fitting that it is the year of the horse just like the Bronco's mascot. Coincidence?!?!? I think not, but hey it pulls all of these holidays and celebrations together. One craft this week my kiddos will be making is a decorated horse wishing our local team "good luck" with encouraging messages. Here is a peek at the Fire Dragons we will be making too.
 Kiddos will cut the bottom out of the bottom of a Styrofoam cup
 They will tear and glue red, orange, and yellow pieces of construction paper to the cup
   And finally attach yellow and red "fire breathing" streamers to the inner lip of the drinking end of the cup. They will blow out of the bottom of the cup to make the streamers blow like fire. If my 4th grader can play with this for 20 minutes I am pretty sure my kiddos are going to love it!!!
   Stay tuned for my mini 100th Day of School unit that I will post this week. 

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