Monday, March 16, 2015

Hunt for the Gold and St. Patrick's Day Sale

   Last week with my kinder intervention kiddos we were all about number sense, composing, and decomposing numbers. We practiced making five with bingo daubers and making ten using gold beads on a pipe cleaner bracelet. Because I only have my kiddos for one week at a time I wanted them to be able to practice their skills with a St. Patrick's Day twist. Utilizing number bonds and some gold pots my kiddos were ready to search and hunt for all the gold coins they could find.

 I started by recycling some small black pots that I had in my Halloween centers and taped shamrocks to the front with numbers 1-9 on them. Inside of each pot I placed gold coins to match the number on the shamrocks and then hid them around our classroom. 

   Each kiddo got a clipboard and a recording sheet. On the sheet were numbered pots of gold to match the pots around the room. Kiddos had to go search for a pot, match the number on the shamrock to the pot on their recording sheet and then create a number bond. Kiddos were encouraged to use the gold coins in the pots to help create their number bonds. Before kiddos could move to the next pot they had to raise their hand and explain their thinking. They received a gold bingo dauber stamp on their recording page and could then go find their next pot. 

   This kiddo was so exact at every pot making sure he had two piles of coins in an exact line! 

That number one is so tricky to create a bond for.

   I hope you have some great activities planned for St. Patrick's Day this week. All of my March activities are on sale the next two days in my store if you are looking for additional materials to add to your collection. Click on the images to be taken to the discounted product. 

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